Childrens Discovery Centre
in Qualicum Beach, B.C.
Preschool, Groupcare, and Out of School Care.
Located in Qualicum Beach Elementary School
Full- & Part-Time Spaces Offered
Early Childhood Educators
Provincially Licensed Lic# CFRN-BL9TVW

What We Do
Children’s Discovery Centre provides a nurturing and creative learning environment for children to play and discover.

Our Goal
Our goal is to provide a safe and enriched childcare experience, emphasizing learning through play while promoting curiosity and wonder.
Childrens Discovery Centre
Children’s Discovery Centre is located at Qualicum Beach Elementary School. We are open year-round, including Pro-D Days and during school breaks. (Closed on statutory holidays.)
We are a team of dedicated Early Childhood Educators and we celebrate the uniqueness of each child.
Our Centre includes Preschool and Groupcare for children 30 months to 5 years, and Out of School care for children up to 12 years.
Our programs engage children in stimulating, age-appropriate activities and promote the development of emotional, physical, social, creative and intellectual skills.

Group care – 8:00 am – 5:30 pm
Preschool – 8:30 am -11:30 am
School Age – 7:30 am – 5:30 pm (Covid hours)